40 Days of Prayer – Youth Devotional Day 7



Exaltation is the action of elevating someone in rank, power, or character. It is a feeling or  state of extreme happiness. 

Exaltation of anything brings excitement. Think of a time when you or someone you know  was given an award. They stood up on a stage or platform and were handed a certificate or  medal or gift to honor their work, their character, or their strength—what a great feeling.  The crowd went wild and cheered, joining in the celebration.  

Jesus’ exaltation was even more glorious than that except it occurred only in the unseen  world of heaven. To the human eye, His “exaltation” was anything but—it was dirty, bloody,  tiresome, lonely, and discouraging. The emotions He had when He humbled Himself in obe dience were nothing celebratory or exciting. The time for His exaltation was moments away  in heaven.  

Can you think of a time when you did something wonderful, but nobody saw? For Jesus,  heaven saw. Serving others is the sum of what Jesus dedicated His life to on earth. He came  to serve—He served meals, healing, and forgiveness for all. How can you humble yourself to  that of a servant today?  


1. Pray that the Lord will give you a posture of gratitude for showing  you His goodness. 

2. Pray for strength to follow in the service of Jesus. 

3. Pray for others to experience the deep love of God. 

»by Annie Banceu

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