40 DAYS of prayer Day 14
LUKE 24:1-6
We saw in yesterday’s reading that “darkness came over the whole land” when Jesus was crucified (Luke 23:44). In each of our personal beginnings, we lived in the dark-or may still live in the dark if we have not received Jesus—but God makes His light shine in our hearts (see 2 Corinthians 4:6). This is the way of our God; His light shines out of the darkest places.
God’s ultimate act of overcoming the darkness was through the Resurrection of His Son, Jesus. There could never be a darker moment than when the Light of the world was slain. Yet, Jesus used the darkest moment in history to provide His followers with access to the very source of light-Himself. He promises that “Whoever follows [Him] will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). This applies to our lives on this earth and for the rest of eternity.
We don’t need to fear death or anything else that the evil one tries to throw at us because Jesus has overcome. If God can speak light into existence and defeat the power of death, He can handle whatever darkness you may be facing in your life, and this is exactly what He promises to do for those who invite Him in. Jesus rose from the dead so that we might have this hope. So don’t lose heart-Jesus has overcome!
PRAYER POINTS: 1. Begin your prayer time by reflecting on and thanking God for the hope that you have in Jesus because of His Resurrection.
2. Spend time in listening prayer by asking God to reveal moments in your life when He turned dark situations around for good.
3. Go for a prayer walk around your neighborhood or school, and pray for the light of Jesus to shine out of the darkness (be specific).
Bonus: Spend time in private worship using the song “Resurrecting” by Elevation Worship.
» by Leah Potter