40 Days of Prayer – Youth Devotional Day 22
Have you ever asked yourself that question? Sometimes I ask that because the things hap pening around me just don’t make sense, but have you ever looked around your school, down your street, or at your job and asked, “God, what are you doing here right now?”
In Ephesians, Paul makes some powerful statements about what we have in Christ, specifi cally as His Church. In the Bible, the Church is described as a body with Christ as the head. While this might not seem like a big deal at first, the concept of the Church and Christ as her head brings some profound promises to us.
If we have Christ as our head, we don’t rely on our strength but are held together under His perfect authority. As His Body, we are not alone. We are united together with brothers and sisters by His Spirit. He fills us with the fullness of His power—that same power that raised Christ from the dead! Our job is to be present to what Christ is already doing and join Him in that.
1. Pause for a moment to think about some ways that you have seen God already at work in you and around you. Ask God to show you how you might join Him in what He is already doing.
2. Think of a situation in your life right now that is hard to walk through or understand. Instead of asking God, “Why is this happening?” try asking God, “What are you doing? How are you helping me grow even as you help me through this?” Pray that He will reveal Himself to you.
3. Take some time to write down what you hear from the Lord, and rest in the promise that He is over all things.
»by Wendy Gierhart