40 Days of Prayer – Youth Devotional DAY 30



Simon Peter, John, and James had been fishing all night with no luck. They gave up because  they knew that if they had no luck at night, they certainly were not going to have any during  the day. It is at this moment that Jesus tells them to go out and cast their nets again.  

Simon Peter chooses to listen, and to their surprise, they caught so many fish that both boats  began to sink. Simon Peter, realizing Jesus’ immense power, begs Him to depart from them  because he knows that he is a sinner. Jesus responds by calling Simon Peter, James, and John  to be fishers of men.  

Amazingly, the three future disciples didn’t ask any questions; they left everything and fol lowed Jesus. They witnessed firsthand Jesus’ power so they had confidence that they could  become fishers of people.  

As followers of Christ, we also have this call to be fishers of people. Even though we have  this calling, many of us are hesitant to live it out. A common reason many Christians are  reluctant to share their faith is because they have yet to experience Jesus’ power or they have  forgotten about how amazing Jesus’ power really is. The same God who commands creation  and makes fish appear out of nowhere can and will help as you partake on this journey of  leading people to Christ. 


1. Ask God for a fresh experience of His power that enables you to be  bold in your faith. 

2. As you walk into school, ask God to reveal to you people who you  need to be reaching out to, people who you need to be fishing for. 

3. Write down the name of at least one person who you will be praying  for and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in praying for anyone He  brings to mind. 

»by Mark Matthews

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