40 DAYS OF PRAYER – Youth Devotion, Day 33
As Jesus’ time with His disciples drew to an end, they asked the question that was at the forefront of their minds: “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” (Acts 1:6). Basically, they were asking, “When does everything get better?” Jesus answered that God holds times and dates for Himself, which is clearly not what the disciples wanted to hear. But Jesus turned around and gave them what they actually needed: a mission and a means.
Their mission was to be witnesses and embrace the identity of those who experienced the resurrected Jesus—this mission was their chief purpose. The scope of this mission was grad-ual but not limited. He told them to start within their immediate context and not to stop until the ends of the earth.This mission is daunting, but He also promised a means to accomplish it—power, specifically Holy Spirit power! So, what does this mean for us? Where do you fit in this mission?
1. How has Jesus changed your life? Take time to list changes He’s made in your life and give praise and thanks for His life-changing work.
2. Ask God to impress His mission on your heart. The next time you are in a crowded location, at a grocery store, or at a sports game, stop and look at individuals and ask God to help you see them as He does.
3. Instead of worrying about the current troubles of our times, spend time praying for God to show you how to live on purpose with Holy Spirit power. Discuss with a peer what that may look like in your life.