40 DAYS OF PRAYER – Youth Devotion, Day 35
If you’ve ever seen or participated in a 400-meter relay, you may know that some of the most important moments during that event are the handoffs. The moment the baton is passed between teammates is so important because the split second it takes to recover from a bad handoff could mean the difference between winning or losing. It requires both the one pass-ing and the one receiving the baton to be in sync with one another.
In the final moments before He was taken up into heaven, Jesus brought His disciples to-gether for one final reminder of His authority, His mission, and His continued presence with them. He said, “You’ve seen what I’ve been doing; now it’s your turn. ”The disciples had been following Jesus for three years now watching, learning, and partner-ing with Him in His mission. Now it was their turn to run. But unlike in the 400-meter relay, the one who passes the baton keeps running with us—He encourages us, teaches us, guides us, comforts us, and gives us the strength to keep on running into all that He has for us and all that He calls us into.
1. Ask the Lord to make you aware of the ways He’s calling you to partner with Him in His mission and to prepare you for it.
2. Ask Jesus specifically for opportunities to step into what He’s calling you to.
3. Thank Him for His presence with you as you step into His calling, and ask Him to help you keep in step with His Spirit as you partner with Him in His mission.